Selected Publications from 2023


What do women think about having received their breast cancer risk as part of a risk stratified NHS Breast Screening Programme? A qualitative study.
L McWilliams, H Ruane, F Ulph, VG Woof, F Harrison, DG Evans, & DP French
British Journal of Cancer   2023  129; 356-365.   P228. DOI: 10.1038/s41416-023-02268-0
CDK4/6 inhibitors versus weekly paclitaxel for treatment of ER+/HER2- advanced breast cancer with impending or established visceral crisis.
Behrouzi, R., Armstrong, A.C. & Howell, S.J.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment  2023  Volume 202, pages 83–95,
RAC1B function is essential for breast cancer stem cell maintenance and chemoresistance of breast tumor cells
Chen F, Gurler S, Novo D, Selli C, Alferez D, Eroglu S, Pavlou K, Zhang J, Sims A, Humphreys N, Adamson A, Campbell A, Sansom O, Tournier C, Clarke R, Brennan K, Streuli C, Ucar A
Oncogene  2023  42   pages679–692 DOI: 10.1038/s41388-022-02574-6
Efficient Management of New Patient Referrals to a Breast Service: The Safe Introduction of an Advanced Nurse practitioner (ANP) Led Telephone Breast Pain Service
Ellis KS, Robinson CE, Foster R, Fatayer H, Gandhi A
Ann Royal Coll Surg published online 29 August   2023 
Quantifying the effects of risk-stratified breast cancer screening when delivered in real time as routine practice versus usual screening: the BC-Predict non-randomised controlled study (NCT04359420).
Evans DG, McWilliams L, Astley S, Brentnall AR, Cuzick J, Dobrashian R, Duffy SW, Gorman LS, Harkness EF, Harrison F, Harvie M, Jerrison A, Machin M, Maxwell AJ, Howell SJ, Wright SJ, Payne K, Qureshi N, Ruane H, Southworth J, Fox L, Bowers S, Hutchinson G, Thorpe E, Ulph F, Woof V, Howell A, French DP.
Br J Cancer  2023  Apr 1:1-9. doi: 10.1038/s41416-023-02250-  
Psychological impact of risk-stratified screening as part of the NHS Breast Screening Programme: multi-site non-randomised comparison of BC-Predict versus usual screening (NCT04359420).
French DP, McWilliams L, Bowers S, Woof VG, Harrison F, Ruane H, Hendy A, Evans DG
Br J Cancer  2023  Feb 11, 128, 2063-2071   doi: 10.1038/s41416-023-02250-w
Randomised controlled trial of breast cancer and multiple disease prevention weight loss programmes vs written advice amongst women attending a breast cancer family history clinic
Harvie M, French DP, Pegington M, Lombardelli C, Krizak S, Sellers K, Barrett E, Gareth Evans D, Cutress R, Wilding Rgn A, Graves L, Howell A
Br J Cancer  2023  May;128(9):1690-1700.   doi: 10.1038/s41416-023-02207-z.
Localization Techniques for Non-Palpable Breast Lesions: Current Status, Knowledge Gaps, and Rationale for the MELODY Study (EUBREAST-4/iBRA-NET, NCT 05559411)
Maggie Banys-Paluchowski, Thorsten Kühn, Yazan Masannat, Isabel Rubio, Jana de Boniface, Nina Ditsch, Güldeniz Karadeniz Cakmak, Andreas Karakatsanis, Rajiv Dave, Markus Hahn, Shelley Potter, Ashutosh Kothari, Oreste Davide Gentilini, Bahadir M Gulluoglu, Michael Patrick Lux, Marjolein Smidt, Walter Paul Weber, Bilge Aktas Sezen, Natalia Krawczyk, Steffi Hartmann, Rosa Di Micco, Sarah Nietz, Francois Malherbe, Neslihan Cabioglu, Nuh Zafer Canturk, Maria Luisa Gasparr, Dawid Murawa, James Harvey
Cancers (Basel)   2023  Feb 12;15(4):1173.   doi: 10.3390/cancers15041173
Bridging pre-surgical endocrine therapy for breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Outcomes from the B-MaP-C study
Rajiv V Dave, Beatrix Elsberger, Vicky P Taxiarchi , Ashu Gandhi, Cliona C Kirwan, Baek Kim FRCS, Elizabeth M Camacho, Charlotte E Coles, Ellen Copson, Alona Courtney, Kieran Horgan, Patricia Fairbrother, Chris Holcombe, Jamie J Kirkham, Daniel R Leff, Stuart A McIntosh, Rachel O’Connell, Ricardo Pardo, Shelley Potter, Tim Rattay, Nisha Sharma, Raghavan Vidya, Ramsey I Cutress, on behalf of the B-MaP-C study collaborative*
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment  2023  Volume 199,   pages 265–279 doi: 10.1007/s10549-023-06893-4
The effects of coagulation factors and their inhibitors on proliferation and migration in colorectal cancer.
Rees PA, Castle J, Clouston HW, Lamb R, Singh U, Duff SE, Kirwan CC.
Cancer Med.   2023  Aug;12(16):17184-17192  doi: 10.1002/cam4.6332. Epub 2023 Jul 17.
Capivasertib in Hormone Receptor-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer
Turner NC, Oliveira M, Howell SJ, Dalenc F, Cortes J, Gomez Moreno HL, Hu X, Jhaveri K, Krivorotko P, Loibl S, Morales Murillo S, Okera M, Park YH, Sohn J, Toi M, Tokunaga E, Yousef S, Zhukova L, de Bruin EC, Grinsted L, Schiavon G, Foxley A, Rugo HS; CAPItello-291 Study Group
N Engl J Med  2023  Jun 1;388(22):2058-2070  doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2214131
Insulin/IGF axis and the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products: role in meta-inflammation and potential in cancer therapy
Vella V, Lappano R, Bonavita E, Maggiolini M, Clarke RB, Belfiore A and De Francesco EM
Endocrine Reviews  2023  Mar 4; doi: 10.1210/endrev/bnad005 
Breast Reconstruction Outcomes with and without Strattice: Long-Term Outcomes of a Multicenter Study Comparing Strattice Immediate Implant Breast Reconstruction with Submuscular Implant Reconstruction.
Wilson RL, Kirwan CC, Johnson RK, O'Donoghue JM, Linforth RA, Harvey JR.
Plast Reconstr Surg.   2023  Jul 1;152(1):11-19.   doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000010157. Epub 2023 Jun 29.


Date:  22 January 202514:00
Speaker:  Mark Clemons & John Hilton
From:  Canada
Title:  A trial for every patient and a patient for every trial! Real world experience of real-world trials
Host:  Sacha Howell
Date:  12 February 202515:00
Speaker:  Andrew Tutt
From:  The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Title:  TBC
Host:  Rob Clarke