Selected Publications from 2019


Patient-Reported Outcomes Over 5 Years After Whole- or Partial-Breast Radiotherapy: Longitudinal Analysis of the IMPORT LOW (CRUK/06/003) Phase III Randomized Controlled Trial
Bhattacharya IS, Haviland JS, Kirby AM, Kirwan CC, Hopwood P, Yarnold JR, Bliss JM, Coles CE; IMPORT Trialists
Journal of Clinical Oncology   2019  37:4  305-371
IBIS-II investigators Use of anastrozole for breast cancer prevention (IBIS-II): long-term results of a randomised controlled trial
Cuzick J, Sestak I, Forbes JF, Dowsett M, Cawthorn S, Mansel RE, Loibl S, Bonanni B, Evans DG, Howell A
Lancet. 2019 Dec 11. pii: S0140-6736(19)32955-1  2019   
6 versus 12 months of adjuvant trastuzumab for HER2-positive early breast cancer (PERSEPHONE): 4-year disease-free survival results of a randomised phase 3 non-inferiority trial.
Earl HM, Hiller L, Vallier AL, Loi S, McAdam K, Hughes-Davies L, Harnett AN, Ah-See ML, Simcock R, Rea D, Raj S, Woodings P, Harries M, Howe D, Raynes K, Higgins HB, Wilcox M, Plummer C, Mansi J, Gounaris I, Mahler-Araujo B, Provenzano E, Chhabra A, Abraham JE, Caldas C, Hall PS, McCabe C, Hulme C, Miles D, Wardley AM, Cameron DA, Dunn JA;.PERSEPHONE Steering Committee and Trial Investigators.
Lancet  2019  393(10191)  2599-2612
Breast cancer pathology and stage are better predicted by risk stratification models that include mammographic density and common genetic variants
Evans DGR, Harkness EF, ..Howell SJ, Maxwell AJ, Howell A,… Newman WG, Cuzick J.
Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.1007/s10549-019-05210-2.   2019   
Microenvironmental IL1ß promotes metastatic colonisation of breast cancer cells in the bone via activation of Wnt
Eyre R, Alférez DG, Santiago-Gómez A, Spence K, McConnell JC, Hart C, Simões BM, Lefley D, Tulotta C, Storer J, Gurney A, Clarke N, Brown MD, Howell SJ, Sims AH, Farnie G, Ottewell PD and Clarke RB
Nature Communications. 2019 Nov 1;10(1):5016. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-12807-0  2019   
The effectiveness of home versus community-based weight control programmes initiated soon after breast cancer diagnosis: a randomised controlled trial
Harvie M, Pegington M, McMullan D, Morris J, Howell S, Howell A.
Br J Cancer. 2019 Sep;121(6):443-454. doi: 10.1038/s41416-019-0522-6  2019   
Prediction of reader estimates of mammographic density using convolutional neural networks
Ionescu GV, Fergie M, Brentnall AR, Cuzick J, Evans DG, Astley SM.
J Med Imaging (Bellingham) 2019 Jul;6(3):031405. doi:10.1117/1.JMI.6.3.03140  2019   
Utility of ctDNA to support patient selection for early phase clinical trials: the TARGET study
Rothwell DG, Ayub M, Cook N, Thistlethwaite F, Carter L, Dean E, Smith N, Villa S, Dransfield J, Clipson A, White D, Nessa K, Ferdous S, Howell M, Gupta A, Kilerci B, Mohan S, Frese K, Gulati S, Miller C, Jordan A, Eaton H, Hickson N, O'Brien C, Graham D, Kelly C, Aruketty S, Metcalf R, Chiramel J, Tinsley N, Vickers AJ, Kurup R, Frost H, Stevenson J, Southam S, Landers D, Wallace A, Marais R, Hughes AM, Brady G, Dive C, Krebs. MG.
Nature Medicine  2019  25(5)  738-743


Date:  22 January 202514:00
Speaker:  Mark Clemons & John Hilton
From:  Canada
Title:  A trial for every patient and a patient for every trial! Real world experience of real-world trials
Host:  Sacha Howell
Date:  12 February 202515:00
Speaker:  Andrew Tutt
From:  The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Title:  TBC
Host:  Rob Clarke