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Date:  12 February 202515:00
Speaker:  Andrew Tutt
From:  The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Title:  Targeting HR deficient breast cancer: Extending PARPi indications and informing therapy development after resistance
Host:  Sacha Howell

Prevent Breast Cancer

Prevent Breast Cancer provides funding for research projects delivered by exceptional scientists with expertise in breast cancer. Projects are selected through a highly competitive grant application process, with only the best scientists and research projects being awarded funding. This process is overseen by the Scientific Advisory Board, which consists of basic, translational and clinical scientists allied to Manchester Breast Centre, (chaired by Professor Cliona Kirwan). Further expert opinion on the specific field of research proposed is sought from international experts from around the world.
Our home is The Nightingale and Prevent Breast Cancer Centre, a £2million state of the art research and screening centre, based at University Hospital South Manchester (UHSM). Research work is conducted here but also in University of Manchester research labs, and often in collaboration with other UK research centres.
Current funded research is conducted by several Manchester Breast Centre Principal Investigators including:

  • Cliona Kirwan
  • Andrew Gilmore
  • Gareth Evans
  • Sacha Howell
  • Michelle Harvie

Between them they have carried out various research studies that are contributing to international recommendations for breast cancer prevention as well as continuing to identify key factors in predicting breast cancer.

The funded research addresses the four 'pillars' of prevention:

  • Gene Research – Examining how changes and mutations in genes can affect someone’s risk of developing breast cancer
  • Early Detection & Screening – Identifying new & unique screening methods to ensure early & accurate diagnoses
  • Preventative Drugs – Investigating drugs that can be used as a preventative measure to reduce an individual’s risk of developing breast cancer
  • Diet & Lifestyle – Research into lifestyle factors that contribute to risk and how diet and exercise can reduce this.

The Prevent Breast Cancer Centre is a world class facility leading the way in breast cancer early diagnosis, prediction and prevention research. Prevent Breast Cancer scientists collaborate nationally and internationally with the very best experts in the field.


Date:  12 February 202515:00
Speaker:  Andrew Tutt
From:  The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London
Title:  Targeting HR deficient breast cancer: Extending PARPi indications and informing therapy development after resistance
Host:  Sacha Howell